Advatra is a product of the Swiss software company Simplit Software GmbH. The company is only 5 years old, but already has 10 employees. Besides advatra, Simplit focuses on custom made software and works with various partners (Canon, Microsoft, Kontera and more). Simplit builds interface solutions for the accounting software Infoniqa ONE 50 Extra. With advatra, Peter Rohrer (25, CEO Simplit Software GmbH) has created his first own product with his company.

Peter is only 25 years old and is passionate about IT and everything digital. Complex structures and new products are already on his radar before anyone else. His visions for the future are crystal clear. Despite the growing demands of everyday life, he maintains an overview and consistently manages to make difficult decisions in a sustainable manner.

More information about the team behind advatra and who we are. Contact us for more questions.

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All advatra features

Itinerary builder

Impress your customer with a digital and up to date itinerary in your own look and feel.
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Price calculation

Calculate your prices without struggle and keep them up to date.
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Trip management

Keep an overview over all your trips and never again forget anything.
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Integrated CRM

Manage customers, partners, suppliers and more efficiently.

Product library

Save your favorite experiences and use them again and again.

Sales pipeline

View the current status of all your trips and react fast to client questions.


Generate reports for financial and sales use, fully customizable to your needs.


Check automatically against opening times, holidays and more.